Shopping Basics

Items sold are not returnable.

You can return your order for re-adjustments at a fee.

If your order delays or doesn’t arrive, contact customer care for assistance or apply for a refund.

Fill a customer dissatisfaction form with specific details, if your complaint needs compensation, you will be compensated.


Create an account on Amymends.com. Select your item or add it to the cart. Proceed to make payment. You will see a new dashboard where you can track your order.

We would like to give a better customer experience as well as a flexible space where you can track an order. Though we advise you to create an account with us, you can call our customer care to make your one-time purchases.

Shipping & Returns

We are available to ship internationally to our customers through trusted third-party shipping agencies.

Sign in to your account. Click on pending orders to track your order

You can do so within three days, after which you cannot make amends.

We give a discount on ten or more item.

An order that is not in stock would take at most two days to be ready.


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